How the Indoor Navigation Technology has Changed the World


Many people are relying on GPS technologies in an endeavor to facilitate their indoor navigation efforts. Just like GIS that helps people to find their ways outdoors, GPS is the indoor alternative. The IT specialists realized that once people use GIS to find their destinations while traveling from far-flung places, it was ironical that they lost their bearings once they got inside the buildings.

Since people had various limitations that might be physical or visual, there was an urgent need to create a system that worked seamlessly. The IT technicians that captured the essence of navigating indoors have made a great contribution that has changed millions of people’s lives. In the hospitals, people can be lost when moving from one department to another.

If a patient requires urgent medical care, it is critical for the families to identify the location of the emergency department as soon as possible. Today, people can rely on such technology to find the facilities they require and get the medical help they need in the shortest time possible.

Applications of indoor navigation

In some of the most complex buildings, the prospect of navigating can be a daunting task, especially for those with physical challenges. In an airport, there is always a risk of missing a flight if someone is late.

Considering that most of the airports and museums are complex architectural developments, it is critical to invest in the right indoor navigation tools to help the customers to avoid such challenges.

Indoor navigation in the retail industry

Supermarkets, malls, and exhibition centers can also take advantage of the indoor positioning system if they hope to take their customer service to another level. Modern office buildings have lots of suites, restaurants, and entertainment areas that can confuse your clients.

By making it easier for your clients to find your office, GPS for indoors can improve their satisfaction. This technology also comes in handy in case of an emergency. It is critical for the occupants to find the exits easily whenever a risk of fire arises.

Digital maps are available on the mobile phone

When it comes to printed maps, it is not easy to carry them around. Instead, you have to memorize them and hope to find your way once you get into a building. Fortunately, indoor maps are available on the handheld devices such as mobile phones and tablets.

If you are looking for a particular office suite or shelf in a mall, you can still find your way even if you are lost. In the quest to provide indoor navigation for the military, a handheld device shows your current position and draws a virtual path to your destination. In addition, it provides alternative routes and helps you to choose the easiest and most convenient path.

Dean is a self-professed tech geek with a fondness for computers, video games, and any novelty tech-savvy gadgets.