It’s likely that you may spend a good portion of your day online. Many jobs require you to do so to earn a living. Regardless if you’re working or surfing the web just for fun, you’ll want to practice caution on the Internet. The last thing you want to deal with is a cyber attack that causes your computer harm.
It’s essential to practice safety tips always when using the Internet. You can start by learning about the different ways your computer can be affected by the different types of cyber attacks. Once you know what you’re fighting against, you’ll have a much better chance of keeping your electronic devices safe.
Defending yourself from cyber attacks will require some upkeep and changes on your part. Work diligently to protect your accounts and keep your computer knowledge up-to-date. To learn more, here are the different types of cyber attacks:
1. Denial of service (DOS)
Are you working online and suddenly you can’t get access to any pages? If so, this is known as a denial of service (DOS) attack and can come on at any time.
This is a malicious attack on your computer that may prevent you from using the Internet. If these types of cyber attacks happen to you, the ideal solution is to work with a managed IT service provider to have this issue resolved swiftly.
2. Teardrop attacks
Are you working and your computer suddenly crashes or won’t respond to your requests? This can be an alarming time and may cause you to panic instantly but is one of the DOS attacks.
Teardrop attacks can occur, and this may mean your computer is in danger. Your target system on your computer can become confused during this attack and you may not be able to use your computer.
3. Ping of death attacks
The last thing you may want to hit your electronic device is the ping of death attack. This one could indeed be dangerous to your laptop, desktop or other items.
The ping of death attack may hit your computer if the bytes are over a certain amount. Once these does occur, your system could overload and then crash. This is typically part of the DOS attack.
This is likely to be one of the more serious types of cyber attacks that you’ll want to be sure to avoid at all costs. Fortunately, adding a firewall to your device can be extremely helpful in preventing this attack from occurring.
4. Botnets
When millions of systems are impacted, and hackers are typically the case of it, this is known as botnets. This is a very dangerous cyber-attack that affects a lot of computers.
It can be tough to find out where the botnet attack originated from due to these being in a lot of different geographic regions. Finding the root cause of this concern can be extremely difficult and overwhelming for most but is associated with a DOS attack.
5. Phishing attacks
It’s essential to be careful when opening emails. You’ll want to know the sender of the email because this could be a possible phishing attack.
These types of cyber attacks occur when you may receive emails that are offering you money, goods, or that are trying to get your personal information. Unfortunately, many of these attacks are so sophisticated; you may not be aware this is even going on at the time.
Delete any emails you get and if you don’t know the sender because opening these could be way too dangerous.
6. Drive-by attacks
Keeping your computer safe from malware is essential if you wish to avoid a lot of unwanted issues. However, drive-by attacks are one of the most common types of cyber-attacks that will cause malware in your system.
These types of cyber attacks can occur when visiting other pages on the Internet at any time. The best way to protect yourself from the drive-by attack is by keeping your browsers up to date. You’ll also want to be mindful of the sites your visiting and try to stay away from malicious coded types.
7. Password attacks
One of the most common ways for a person to get your information online is by finding out your password. This type of attack does occur way too frequently on the Internet, and you’ll want to take time to change your passwords often.
8. Eavesdropping attacks
You may have heard of eavesdropping on other people but not as an online attack. However, this is entirely possible, and eavesdropping attacks may occur due to a lot of traffic.
It’s possible for a hacker to learn passwords and other information to get into your business. This can be done in several ways, and you’ll want to work to get your private information guarded. It’s ideal to change passwords routinely to assist in protecting your account.