5 Important Dedicated Server Features For Web Hosting


When you have a website, you want to make sure it runs at optimal performance. This is because many people access websites on computers, tablets, and smartphones and you want them to be able to see your material and return for future needs.

As a result, you may want to consider a dedicated server for your web hosting needs. This will allow you to avoid having to share resources with others that may overload the server and result in slow speeds and downtime. The following are 5 factors to consider when deciding whether a dedicated server is right for you.

1. The type of operating system

The first thing you should consider before using a dedicated server is the operating system. Usually, there are two operating systems available: windows or Linux.

The platform you choose will depend on many factors including the specification and price of the operating system, as well as the requirements of your website. Ensure the operating system that you choose supports your website for it to run smoothly. One that does not will only frustrate visitors and they will most likely not return. This will be detrimental to your business especially if your website involves selling items from it.

2. Scalability & redundancy

A good server should be scalable and able to handle redundancy. Every business owner works hard to grow their business. A scalable server is able to handle increased traffic as well as increased data storage and processing as your business grows. You should, therefore, make sure the server you choose is able to handle increased demands that come with the expansion of your business.

Redundancy is the ability of your server host to have backup resources. These ensure there is no data loss and that systems are not interrupted in case of a power failure or overloading of the servers. The result of this is improved performance and quality services.

3. Customer support

Server issues may arise when you least expect them. These occur especially during busy times when your site is experiencing very high traffic. If these issues are not solved immediately your business may lose a lot of revenue. This is why you need technical support available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to help you during such times.

The server host you use should provide personalized support. Support designed specifically for your needs will ensure your site runs smoothly without experiencing any downtime.

4. Unmanaged or managed server

The management of a dedicated server is usually controlled by the owner. You can, however, choose to have your server unmanaged or managed.

For an unmanaged server, you will be required to monitor and manage the performance of the server on your own. This requires IT knowledge to ensure everything runs smoothly. Some of the things you will be required to know to manage your server well include shutting down the server, rebooting, installs, and handling security issues.

Managed hosting is easier and does not require in-depth IT knowledge. The service provider will take care of your server. It will be the hosting company’s responsibility to ensure there are no errors and the configurations are completed as required.

5. Server specifications

Server configurations and specifications will depend on the needs of your business. These include the rate of data transfer, the storage capacity you need as well as the processing speeds for your data.

The size of your business will also determine your server specification. If for instance you have a big business that handles large sizes of data, you may require more storage. The important server configurations to consider include the RAM, processor capacity, and disk size.

Dean is a self-professed tech geek with a fondness for computers, video games, and any novelty tech-savvy gadgets.